Undergraduate Courses
My final CGPA is 8.78 on a 10.0 scale. (8 semesters completed)
Year 1
​​​​​​​Semester 1 (SGPA - 8.52/10.0)
Engineering Mathematics - I​​​​​​​
Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals of Programming
Basic Electrical Engineering
Environmental Studies
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Constitution of India and Professional Ethics​​​​​​​

Semester 2 (SGPA - 8.81/10)
Engineering Mathematics - II
Engineering Physics
Basic Electronics
Biological Sciences
Technical Communication
Engineering Graphics and Design
Design Thinking and Innovation
Kannada Kali - II
Year 2
Semester 3 (SGPA - 8.29/10.0)
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Management and Entrepreneurship
Database Management Systems - Practicals
Data Structures - Practicals
Agile Software Engineering
Computational Thinking with Python
Database Management Systems
Digital Electronics and Logic Design
Data Structures
Liberal Studies - I
Semester 4 (SGPA - 8.28/10.0)
Probability and Statistics
Special Topics - I
Microprocessors - Practicals
Object Oriented Programming - Practicals
Artificial Intelligence - I
Introduction to Networks and Cyber Security
Finite Automata and Formal Languages
Principles of Microprocessors and Computer Organization
Object Oriented Design and Programming
Liberal Studies - II
Year 3
Semester 5 (SGPA - 8.76/10.0)
Computer Networks
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Operating Systems
Machine Learning
Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition
Calculus - II
Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Practicals
Operating Systems - Practicals
Special Topics - II
Semester 6 (SGPA - 9.32/10.0)
Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence - II
Artificial Intelligence - Practicals
Introduction to Computer Vision
Data Science
Compiler Design and System Software
Compiler Design and System Software - Practicals
Renewable Energy Sources

Year 4
Semester 7 (SGPA - 8.91)
Cloud Computing
Speech and Natural Language Processing
Web Development
Semester 8 (SGPA - 10.00)
UG Research Project - II

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